Sunday, September 12, 2010

book burning for dummies- from phiffer books

Finally! Book burning made easy...for normal folks, like you and i! That’s right bitches, you don’t have to be a lunatic from Florida (together with Utah and Alaska= the 3 states i can pick openly pick on as a Californian) to blaze some pages.

Seriously, this product by Jen Phiffer of Phiffer books is pretty hot...especially if used to full capacity, which i have had the pleasure of doing. Match book <> Book match, get it?! Simply remove from it's little match box home, and strike the this tiny guy, and voila! fire!

So, in celebration of the 1st amendment, 9/11, and fun, i highly suggest this product! I mean it’s only $12. Might as well join the crowd, or stock up for this time next year. A perfect gift for pyro writers...or just pyros, or just writers.

I’ve thoroughly discussed the possibilities of further research and extended products with Ms. Phiffer, so any idea thieves should feel free to step off.

Order here, and check the other bound products from Phiffer Books. Pretty taser factory stuff.

This is truly fun stuff.

Eat It.

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