Wednesday, May 22, 2013

thinking out loud with andrew irving

pretty taser project...
grabbed from kpcc-
[Despite all of our mass communication technologies – from smart phones to emails to smiley face emoticons — It can still be pretty hard to tell what other people are thinking. However, a new study by anthropologist Andrew Irving, attempts to bridge that gap and "gain a better understanding of the interior dialogues and imaginative lifeworlds that constitute people’s experiences of urban life."
Irving asked more than 100 New Yorkers to wear headsets and record their thoughts as they went about their day. Participants went about their daily lives while speaking their innermost thoughts aloud as they walked through the city. 

Though the study does not claim to be a comprehensive approach to understanding a person's thought process, it does offer a glimpse into human thought patterns. Some of the examples Irving shares include a woman who's  thoughts dart from trivial to tragic to a man engaging in an inner argument with himself.]
though i often get caught talking to myself, i feel i would not perform very well at this. wish i had time to write my take on this. rather powerful.

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