Sunday, December 20, 2015

mail baggage...

.damn yes.
my mailboxes have been ejecting such taser material at me recently!
from left to righteous:
-writ words and fab fotos from both new and familiar faces.
from SAN publications in toronto.
-some superb "suburban pyramids" and "car fighter" print action grabbed from goatmother industrial.
last pulls of the yr i believe. "car fighter" actually comes in the t-shirt format, but as a pedestrian in LA (which is why this piece resonates so strong w/ me) that doesn't wear t-shirts too much, i talked my way into a print version.
-a fresh copy of erin k. drew's super spooky "erotic art magazine", fucking amazing.

also, this recently framed up a set of mini-polaroids by the extremely thoughtful anne peterson sobel, straight outta doha.
primo example of my really bad photo taking skills, but everyone who comes thru here is all like "oh wow!" or just like "wow!"
just a taste of some super additions at table-blue studio, llc., and a reminder to keep postal w/ pals.

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