Sunday, September 30, 2012

giant fail statue

adel abdessemed's new giant "headbutt" statue is pretty taser factory for sure...
it captures one of french soccer star zidane's most memorable, but not necessarily shining moments. the scene chosen by abdessemed is from the 2006 world cup final between france and italy, where zidane, in the last outing of his career, headbutted an italian player.
he was red carded, which subsequently led to a win for the italian team.

love it, but after reading abdessemed's comments on the piece, it left me wishing for a different direction. initially, i thought it was celebration of failure. a reversal of statues celebrating great moments and good things and success.

i really like that idea and can imagine all the great fails in sports history that could be immortalized in similar manner...but that's not what the artist had in mind. 

fuck it. it's still totally taser.
so is a bunch his other stuff:

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